Athar Jaber

Stone Talk

by Athar Jaber | 11 February 2024


“Because the scope of the sculptor’s subject remains so limited, we must be careful to concentrate as much meaning or emotion as possible in the few forms that remain at our disposal.”  
– Ossip Zadkine

Happy birthday Ossip Zadkine

Two days ago, was the birthday of the sculptor Ossip Zadkine, born on February 9 1888. Take a few minutes to see and hear him talk about sculpture and his memories of Paris here. I’ve added an English translation of his speech in the comments section of the video. 

Art, stone, and political turmoil

In her new book “The God Behind the Marble,” Alice Goff explores Germans’ revolutionary use of art as a tool for societal transformation. She traces the history of various art objects, examining conflicts over ownership, interpretation, conservation, and exhibition. In this excerpt, Goff prompts readers to envision themselves as the Laocoön, a marble sculpture depicting a violent struggle. Through this, she delves into the sculpture’s life, raising philosophical questions about the interplay between art, ancient stone, and modern society. 

Repatriating artefacts

An extended period of increased scrutiny on the MET’s collection, and multiple seizures by the Manhattan District Attorney’s office, has resulted in the repatriation of many artefacts to countries like Nepal, Greece, Italy, Egypt, and Nigeria. This article covers how this time, it’s Yemen’s turn to receive ownership of two stone sculptures from 3000 BC.  

Political ties 

Strong, single-minded and uncompromising, the modernist sculptor Kim Lim made a significant contribution to 20th-century British sculpture, but her work has been sadly overlooked since her death.  The Hepworth Wakefield Gallery dedicates a major exhibition to revive the work of Lim. Here, you can read more about the artist and her work. 


Do you have specific question around sculpture and stone carving? Submit your question here below and I’ll do my best to answer it in one of the next Stone Talk Newsletters.

I hope you enjoyed these points and that you learned something new.

Until next week,


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Athar Jaber